General Dentistry

If you are experiencing pain or discomfort in your teeth and gums, you need general dentistry services as soon as possible. The best place for top-quality treatments and procedures is Holford Partners Curaden, the leading dental clinic in London.

We diagnose, treat, and manage your overall oral health needs. We do gum care, fillings, root canals, veneers, crowns, bridges, and preventive care and education.

General Dentistry(1)

Our services include diagnostics using x-rays or intra-oral scanning to pinpoint the cause of pain.

After a diagnosis, you can either have your tooth removed, repaired or replaced. You might get treatment for a periodontal condition, root canal work, oral surgery or dental prosthetics in some cases.

We cover everything. If you have any problems with your teeth and gums, reach out to us, and we will solve it for you with top-quality money-saving treatments.

Access Complete

General Dentistry Services

Our general dentistry services cover a wide range of treatments and procedures to maintain and improve your oral health.

We cover core procedures from diagnostics and preventive interventions to complete recovery from any oral health issue.

Access Complete General Dentistry Services


Not all clinics use the latest technology for diagnosis and testing. At Holford Curadden, you can be sure that no causes of pain will be left unseen and unchecked.


Our dentists have more than 50 years of experience delivering the best dental services in London, giving relief and comfort to locals and foreign patients.


Bad quality dental treatments can cause you worse problems shortly, leading you to need to use more money to fix them. Avoid wastage and get only the best.

Are You in Pain or Discomfort?

We advocate prevention to avoid gum problems, but if you are experiencing pain or discomfort right now, we can remove that problem for you as early as possible. You don’t need to wait until your next checkup – book an emergency appointment to see us now.

Dental Examinations

When you come to Holford Partners Curaden for a dental examination or a check-up, we will look at your teeth and assess your oral health.

We will use tools including a mirror and probe to see all parts of your mouth thoroughly.

Once we have a diagnosis, we will prescribe you either hygiene cleaning, maintenance instructions, products you must use, or treatment if you have an issue.

A dental examination is a painless process that you should do regularly, at least once every six months.

Regular checkups will help you prevent complex dental problems that will cost you a lot of money in the future.


Preventive Care

During your regular check-ups at Holford Curaden, we will ensure that you prevent having oral diseases, the best ways possible.

Our dentists will teach you the best oral hygiene techniques and products that fit your lifestyle.

We will prescribe you a long-term schedule or program for regular hygiene cleaning for your teeth to continue being in top shape and have a superstar’s confidence.

Prevention is always better than cure, and you could end up using a lot more money than you would have if you neglect it.

Come to our clinic at least every six months and save money with preventive care.


Hygiene Cleans

Hygiene cleans are a painless dental service where a dental hygienist professionally cleans your teeth and gums.

The hygienist first checks your mouth for infections or inflammations to make sure you are ok to clean.

Then, we proceed to scaling or removing plaque and tartar from your teeth’s surfaces and gaps and near the gumline using a manual scaler (small hook) or an ultrasonic scaler.

The ultrasonic scaler uses gentle vibration and water to remove significant amounts of plaque and tartar.

Then the hygienist will proceed to flossing, polishing, and fluoride application.


X-ray and Intra-Oral Scans

If you are having discomfort in your teeth and gums, you will have to figure out what’s going on before we can find you a treatment.

When you come to Holford Partners Curaden with a problem, we will investigate with the latest technology.

We will diagnose your problem with the help of an x-ray or an intra-oral scanner, where we will place a camera in your mouth so you can see everything that’s going on about it.

At Holford Curaden, you can be sure that no issue will be left unseen, and no pain will be left unsolved.

We are the best problem detectors and solvers for your oral health issues and discomforts.


Composite Fillings

Composite fillings are done when your tooth has a damaged or infected portion, but the dentist can still save a significant area of it.

You need it if you can see damage and decay on your teeth or feel some sensitivity, pain, or discomfort.

During a check-up, we will be able to find out if you need it or not. If so, we will schedule a session or multiple ones if you have more than one affected tooth that needs fillings.

We will drill out the infected portion and reform your tooth using composite fillings – your smile will be good as new.

With our expertise and technology, we can guarantee that the procedure will be pain-free.


Gold Inlays

We offer gold inlays, a solid alternative to fillings that can last you 20 years or more. We fortify our inlays by combining the best metals.

If you have had damages to your teeth due to decay or an accident, gold inlays are an excellent choice.

The gold and metals we use are hypoallergenic and tarnish-resistant, making them 100% safe for your health. They are an excellent alternative to composite fillings.

Getting gold inlays involves the same drilling procedures and filling as regular ones – except the material is different.

If you are looking for gold inlays, you can have the procedure done at Holford Partners Curaden with top-notch quality.


Root Canal

A root canal is done to save a tooth that would otherwise be removed because of inflammation or infection in the canals holding its pulp, causing intense pain.

This endodontic surgical procedure will remove the throbbing pain without having you lose your precious tooth.

After an x-ray diagnosis and finding out you need the procedure, the goal will be to remove the pulp, cleaning the canal thoroughly, and sealing it to prevent future infection.

After the procedure, we will use an impression of your teeth to create a crown, making your tooth good as new.

We make sure that you will experience zero pain and guarantee 100% relief from your discomfort.



Extractions are needed either as a last resort for a severely damaged or infected tooth or as a prerequisite for orthodontics or cosmetic procedures.

This procedure is painless and straightforward, with the use of anaesthesia and dental tools.

When you are scheduled for extraction due to infection, your dentist would’ve probably given you antibiotics a week before the date to prevent complications post-surgery.

After the procedure, you can continue with your cosmetics or have your tooth replaced with an implant or dentures.

You can have all these services at Holford Partners Curaden, and you won’t have to jump from one clinic to another.


Oral Health Care Expensive


Gum disease is the top reason for losing teeth, and most people get by not knowing that they have it and will only be concerned when they see bleeding.

It would be best to protect your gums from disease, but we can cure it for you if you suffer gum loss or infections.

We do scaling and root planing, which is to meticulously clean the roots, removing plaque, tartar, and bacteria. This is usually followed by weeks of taking antibiotics to eliminate further infection.

We do tray delivery systems, implants, regeneration, soft tissue grafting, gingivectomy, or gingival sculpting.

Holford Partners Curaden is the best place to get affordable yet effective treatments if you have any gum problems.

Dental Implants

If you have lost a tooth or after an extraction, you have the option of getting a dental implant. It is a painless surgery you can have with us.

A dental implant is a metal post attached to your jaw bone that serves as the root’s replacement.

The surgery will last 1-2 hours per tooth, and you will have to wait for at least three months of complete healing before the final restoration of your smile. You first will be given a temporary crown.

Three to six months later, your lab-made crown is done, and the final steps are achieved.

Come to Holford Partners Curaden for dental implants. We guarantee quality work that lasts a lifetime.

Crowns and Bridges

If you have a lost or broken tooth, you can replace or fortify it with a crown. It is made of ceramic and is a durable and beautiful solution to your problem.

A crown will be used to cover a dental implant. Usually, you will first get a temporary one after surgery.

A crown will also be ideal for covering a severely damaged tooth, holding a bridge to replace several missing teeth, or using it for cosmetic purposes. Permanent crowns are made in our laboratory.

A bridge is used to cover adjacent lost teeth, attached via a crown on an implant or a damaged tooth.

If you want to smile with beaming confidence again, book an appointment with us – we got everything covered.


The composite and porcelain veneers that we will layer on your teeth’ surface will make your smile better and bring your confidence to the next level.

Our veneers will improve the looks and function of your teeth while protecting them from damage.

Our veneers last longer than anything you’ll get from other clinics as they are made with the best materials, utmost care and adherence to the highest quality standards.

Veneers are perfect for an aesthetic upgrade or if you are recommended to have them for protective purposes.

However it may be, when you get veneers from Holford Partners Curaden, you’ll come out of the clinic beaming with confidence.


Our modern dentures are prosthetics made of high-quality acrylic resin and created to fit your mouth perfectly, unlike old ones that cause many issues.

We have partial dentures for if you still have most of your natural teeth and complete dentures if you have none left.

You can have removable dentures that are easy to put in and take out, some of which require implants. You can also have fixed dentures that are held by several implants.

Dentures can be a cheap alternative if you are not yet ready for more permanent replacement methods.

Get dentures from us – we make them, so they function and look like originals, and nobody can tell they are fake.



If you are suffering migraines, you probably suffer from TMD or temporomandibular disorders, which are jaw issues.

It is caused when the parts of your jaw, like muscles, bones, and joints, are not working together correctly.

To fix your jaw problems, we offer orthopaedic appliances or a mouth guard or bite plate to reduce teeth grinding. Also, you can expect that we will prescribe you painkillers for any pain.

You could also be given muscle relaxants to help reduce strain for you to avoid migraines.

If you are having migraines, it would be best to call Holford Partners Curaden for an appointment today.



We offer lingual braces to fix your smile effectively. They are hidden from view, with less impact on speech, and don’t interfere with your lips.

You can also get Invisalign, a transparent plastic retainer that effectively aligns your teeth without having you lose your confidence.

We ensure that your straightened teeth remain to have the proper bite and don’t return to their misshapen condition with our retainers.

We also offer braces, orthodontic elastics, and all solutions for any issue you have when it comes to the form of your teeth.

We make all affordable options available, and we ensure faster treatment than any other clinic can do. 


Children and Teens

Whether it is your child’s first time going to a dentist or the kid is more or less apprehensive, you can be sure that things will calm down at Holford Partners Curaden.

The ambience and feel of our clinic are warm and hospitable with the friendliest staff and dentists.

We make sure that your child will find visits and treatments painless and enjoyable. Your child will have perfect teeth and learn and practice the best oral health care habits at home.

Oral health care and love for visiting the dentist regularly should start at a young age.

If you want your child to grow up confident and healthy, call Holford Partners Curaden today and book a visit.

Athletic Mouth Guards

Generic mouth guards can destroy the posture of your teeth if you use them frequently. It would be best if you had custom mouthguard.

We will use an impression of your teeth to form the perfect athletic mouth guard that fits your mouth seamlessly.

With your Holford Partners Curaden mouthguard, you can protect your tongue and teeth during physically demanding sports sessions, knowing that your teeth will keep their shape and bite.

We vacuum-form your mouthguard from a single sheet of EVA polyvinyl acetate-polyethylene copolymer.

Our mouthguards are comfortable, durable, built to last. Contact us now if you need one.


While there are store-bought, ready-to-use anti-snoring mouthguards available in the market, nothing beats custom-made ones from your dentist.

Generic anti-snoring night guards have the potential to misshapen your teeth if you use them nightly.

We will use an impression of your mouth to custom-make your anti-snoring mouth guard, making sure that your problem is solved without compromising your teeth’s integrity and your bite.

We vacuum-form your night guard from a single sheet of EVA polyvinyl acetate-polyethylene copolymer.

With our mouthguard, you will sleep comfortably in silence, knowing your teeth are going to be in place.



What should I do when I have a toothache?

When you have a throbbing toothache, it could mean a few things. Either you have an injured tooth or an infection, and in most cases, you either have a cavity or abscess.

The issue you will have is that you won’t be able to determine which is which. You cannot diagnose yourself based on the symptoms you are feeling.

It wouldn’t be easy for you to see a cavity or abscess. Sometimes they are impossible to find with non-expert eyes and no tools.

What you need to do is call your dentist for an appointment and book an emergency checkup. Tell the dentist everything you are feeling and the things you think might have caused the toothache.

If there is a significant waiting time before your appointment and you want some comfort, you can use anti-inflammatory medicine for quick relief, but only if you are sure you have no allergies to the drugs. Your most common options are naproxen, mefenamic acid, or ibuprofen.

If you are unsure about taking medicine without advice, you can apply a cold compress and gargle with salt water to level down the pain.

When your appointment comes, your dentist will check your teeth and pinpoint your problem. Afterwhich, you are recommended either extraction, root canal, or composite fillings.

Are crowns and bridges better than dentures?

Considering the subjects in comparison, you should take them from the perspective of someone who wants some teeth or a tooth replaced. The answer, still, depends on particular contexts.

If you are ready for surgery, time and budget-wise, you are better off having crowns or bridges. They are a more permanent replacement for teeth and require less maintenance from you when all procedures are completed.

If you don’t have the time and money yet, the best alternative for you will be dentures. You only have to wait for your gums to heal, then the dentist will use an imprint of your mouth to make your dentures.

However, you must note that there are dentures that still require that you have implants. Some dentures need to be affixed to an implant, and permanent dentures definitely require them.

One more thing about dentures, especially detachable ones, is that they require extra cleaning.

The best thing you can do to get your answer is to talk to a dentist. Only an expert oral health care practitioner can tell you the best option you can take.

Tell your dentist about your time and budget, and you will be given an option that fits your situation well. Make sure you are talking to a dentist who will do a high-quality job with your teeth.

Making sure that the job is done well ensures that you will not waste your time and money.

What is the price range for Holford Partners Curaden?

If you are wondering if we are too expensive for you, do not worry. You don’t have to be a celebrity or mortgage your house to avail of our services.

Whenever we have a diagnosis, we will give you all options available, ranging from the cheapest to the most expensive. We can arrange scheduled procedures or choose the best, most affordable alternative if you are on a budget.

Whether you are a janitor or a superstar, we will treat you as well as we treat everyone – with warmth and hospitality. Our goal is oral health care – keyword care.

We guarantee that whatever procedure you get from us, you will receive the best quality results that will indeed allow you to avoid repeats or troubleshoots. Our quality dental work will save you a lot of money.

Other dentists will sell out for cheap but provide lousy results. With bad dental work, you could end up having complications that can cost significantly more money than you initially required.

Our treatments’ results are effective and long-lasting, which means that you won’t have to worry about problems, pain, and discomfort for a significant amount of time.

Do you do online consultation?

We do not serve online consultation because dental check-ups require dentists to take a close look at your teeth and gums. Even if you had a powerful camera that you can put inside your mouth, you wouldn’t know how a health professional would angle it correctly.

What we do is put Covid-19 protocols in place so that we can avoid infection for our dentists, staff, and patients.

What are your Covid-19 protocols?

We have sanitising stations in our clinic, and we implement the no face mask, no entry policy. We check for temperatures at the entrance and disallow anyone who has a fever or cough from entering the premises.

There will be no queueing in the clinic, and you have to call for a scheduled appointment before coming. We want to interrogate patients over the phone before a visit, and we no longer accept walk-ins for now.

We ensure that our dentists, hygienists, and staff are regularly tested for the virus and implement strict sanitation procedures for everyone working in the clinic. We will also be using protective equipment to ensure that we can continue serving you without any risk of infection.

If you plan to visit the clinic, please leave your contact on the form on this website or call us directly.

Do you allow children and elders even during a lockdown?

Yes. As a healthcare provider, we will not deny children in need of our services.

If you bring your child, teen, or senior citizen while there is a lockdown implemented, talk to us to figure out what paperwork you need to get.

We would like to remind you to directly transport the patient from your house to the clinic to avoid problems. Likewise, go home at once after the check-up or treatment session.

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Holford Partners Curaden Dental Clinic is London’s No. 1 Advocate for Preventive Dentistry. Your dental health matters and we are here to provide only the best dental service in London.