Composite Fillings

Is your tooth aching? It is reasonable to suspect that you may have a cavity or decay, and you’ll need to act quickly before it leads to bigger issues such as tooth loss.

Our fillings are done by removing the decay from your teeth and filling it with a composite material that is colour matched to your own teeth. This allows the composite fillings to blend and bond with the enamel, preventing more damage and preserving your teeth.

This intervention is also done if you have a chipped tooth.

When you come to Holford Partner’s Curaden, we will make sure that getting composite fillings will be pain-free and 100% comfortable.

We specialise in the most comfortable method of protecting your teeth from further damage by using the best materials and technology. With our experts having decades of experience, you can be sure that you will have perfectly restored teeth worth smiling about.

Not all dentists will do a great job doing your composite fillings. If you are looking to save money, getting a high quality service from Holford Curaden is your best choice.

Composite fillings that aren’t done correctly will result in them needing to be replaced sooner than expected so you’ll end up having to pay more money than you have to. Longer-lasting means that you’ll save more, and that’s what we offer you, using the best materials and top-notch expertise.

If you need this treatment, we are your best choice.

Smile With Beaming Confidence

First impressions last, and your oral health will tell a lot about you. Decay can cause bad breath and become a turn-off or at the very least make you feel insecure. Let’s fix that for you the safest way there is, at Holford Partners Curaden.

Long Lasting
Composite Fillings


Our top expert dentists use only the best tools and for diagnosing your teeth. We will make sure that no problem is left unseen and that we will fix everything.


We use the latest technology in doing composite fillings. We only use the best materials which will last much longer than cheaper fillings offered at other clinics.


We guarantee long-lasting results with Holford Partners Curaden. Your teeth will look and feel rejuvenated everytime you smile.

Save Your Teeth

If you want to keep your teeth for a lifetime, your best bet is to go to Holford Partners Curaden. We guarantee effective and long-lasting results, bringing your confidence to the next level. So book an appointment to see us now.


You won’t be able to easily see if you have a problem that can be fixed by composite fillings if you do not visit the dentist.

Also, spotting problems as early as possible will save you money. The earlier you can remove decay, the less likely you will have complications.

When decay spreads, it can cost you a significant amount of money for interventions. Fix things while they are still small by spotting them as early as possible with the help of a dentist.

X-rays, Panoral, & Intra Oral Scanning

At Holford Partners Curaden, we pride ourselves in providing swiss excellence using the best and latest technologies.

When you come for a check-up, we can thoroughly examine your teeth, ensuring that no problem is left unseen.

If there is any sign of a deeper issue, we have the tools to check your entire mouth, teeth and gums. Once we find a problem, we may be able to fix it there and then or ask you to return for an additional visit.

Early detection and intervention are always better than suffering more costs later.

Emergency Check-Ups

If you feel pain or discomfort in your teeth or gums, don’t wait and bear it.

Sometimes you might think you’ve solved the problem after taking over-the-counter painkillers, but you are just muting the signs of the real problem.

Pain can mean decay that will quickly spread without proper treatment.

Call at once for any irregularity.

Call ASAP: 020-7499-9806


Hygiene Cleaning

You need professional and complete cleaning at least twice a year whether you have composite fillings or not.

Your regular brushing, flossing, mouth washing and interdental cleaning habits, when done right, will take your oral health a long way. However, there will be parts of your mouth that need professional tools and cleaning that only a hygienist can do for you.

Come to Holford Partners Curaden for your regular cleaning. We use only the latest technologies, cleaning products and tools.

Our hygienists are top quality experts and the best in their field.

Get your mouth cleaned today.


Are composite fillings permanent?

Yes, they are significantly durable and will last for many years. However, like most dental restorations, composite fillings won’t last forever and will someday need replacing.

How long do composite fillings last?

Commonly, composite fillings last at for least five years. However, there are a lot of instances when they can last up to ten years or more.

At Holford Partners Curaden, we guarantee results that exceed expectations.

Are composite fillings better than amalgam?

Composite fillings are the best choice because they offer the most discrete and natural finish. Your fillings will be unnoticeable and your teeth will look brand new.

Amalgam fillings last longer than composite but they compromise the beauty of your smile.

What should you avoid after a composite filling?

After a composite filling, you must avoid any chewing and refrain from hot beverages until the numbness from the anaesthetic has worn off. You might bite or burn yourself badly without feeling it.

You can return to regular eating and drinking habits once the numbness has gone.

How do I maintain my composite filling?

You will have to clean it the way you clean the rest of your teeth. Brush twice a day, floss, use interdental brushes and gargle mouthwash.

Also, go to a professional dental hygienist at least twice a year.

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Holford Partners Curaden Dental Clinic is London’s No. 1 Advocate for Preventive Dentistry. Your dental health matters and we are here to provide only the best dental service in London.